


该公司拥有商混站生产线1条 。水泥网为您提供中核混凝土股份有限公司企业介绍、生产线信息及产品价格等详细内容。

中核混凝土股份有限公司 - 企业信息及联系方式

注册资本 6791 万人民币 联系电话 029-8652查看
登记状态 **** 企业传真 查看
法定代表人 **** 联系邮箱 查看
企业类型 **** 成立日期 ****
营业期限 **** 公司网站 cnbmc.com.cn
公司地址 ****
经营范围 ****


生产线名称 项目地址 产能 项目状态 投产时间 搅拌机数量 搅拌车数量
中核混凝土股份有限公司 陕西省西安市灞桥区新筑街办南陈村四组 查看万方/年 查看 查看 -台 -台


品牌 品种 散装价 袋装价 散装参考价 袋装参考价 销售地区 日期
盾石 P.O 42.5 4** 4** 4** - 陕西省西安市 2024-05-31
盾石 P.O 52.5 4** 5** 4** - 陕西省西安市 2024-05-31
盾石 M 32.5 3** 3** - 3** 陕西省西安市 2024-05-31
声威 P.O 42.5 4** 4** 4** - 陕西省西安市 2024-05-31
声威 P.O 52.5 4** 5** 4** - 陕西省西安市 2024-05-31
声威 M 32.5 3** 3** - 3** 陕西省西安市 2024-05-31

中核混凝土股份有限公司 - 水泥生产线地图




-中核混凝土股份有限公司组建于2000年9月,是整合中国核工业建设集团公司混凝土生产与科研资源,继承原有业务和品质后成功塑造的中国核电混凝土专业化企业,经十年磨砺,现已成为中国核建行业内一颗闪亮的现代化企业新星。 公司现有员工1000余人,其中有多年从事混凝土生产的专业技术和管理人员290人,同时拥有一批具有国内外核电工程、质量、安全管理和试化验技术等丰富经验的管理人员。公司具有混凝土专业二级资质证书,并设有一级专业试验室,是中国建筑业协会混凝土分会理事单位。 公司长期服务于核电建设,具备搅拌站方案设计、设备招标采购、建站设计施工、安装调试和生产运营管理能力。公司拥有国内外最先进的混凝土生产、检测设备,配备专业化建材检测实验室,可满足不同核电堆型要求,具有生产研发高性能混凝土、大流度混凝土、自密实混凝土、大体积混凝土及各种不同用途、强度和特殊要求混凝土的能力。 公司是我国核电混凝土搅拌站运营历史最长的企业,也是目前我国唯一核岛搅拌站运营商,满足国内所有先进核电技术的建造要求,具有突出的搅拌站建造综合能力,并取得了行业内广泛的认可。从1985年起人员介入承建我国第一座核电站开始,公司先后参与的核电建设项目分布于辽宁、山东、浙江、福建、广东、湖南、海南、广西等省市,几乎涵盖了我国在建的所有核电工程。 伴随着我国核电产业政策从“适度发展”到“积极发展”的转变,公司迎来了快速成长的黄金时期。公司将继续秉承“以人为本,建和谐企业”的宗旨,为我国核电事业及各业主单位提供全方位的优质服务。 Established in September 2000, China Nuclear Construction Concrete Company (CNCC) is one of the subsidiary companies of China Nuclear Engineering & Construction (Group) Corporation (CNECC). Integrating the concrete production and scientific research resources of CNECC, the CNCC has inherited its original quality and now become one of the star enterprises in the national nuclear industry. Through nearly a decade of development, the staff of CNCC is now composed of over 1000 employees, including 290 technical specialists and officials in concrete field. The company has also established a group of officials with the experiences of nuclear industrial engineering in quality control, safety management and laboratory. As the member unit of Concrete Branch of China Construction Industry Association, CNCC has achieved Grade 2 of Concrete Professional Qualification Certificate, and has set Level 1 Concrete Professional Laboratory. With the advantages in designing and constructing mix plant, tendering, purchasing, installing and organizing equipment, and operating production, CNCC serves an important role in the nuclear construction. The professional architecture material testing laboratories of the company are equipped with the latest advanced, domestic and international equipments and devices of concrete manufacturing and testing, and capable of the manufacturing and researching of high performance concrete, high slump concrete, self-consolidating concrete, mass concrete and other concrete with different grades, purposes and requirements. CNCC is the only mix plant operator for NI construction with the longest history of operating the mix plant for the nuclear industry. Capable of constructing and operating of mix plant, the company meets all requirements of specifications of every nuclear power plant and is widely accepted within the industry. Since 1985 the technical specialists coordinated with other subsidiary companies of CNECC in the construction of the first national nuclear power plant, till now CNCC has participate in the construction of almost every nuclear industrial projects in Liaoning, Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan, Hainan, Guangxi and other provinces. Experiencing the nuclear industrial policy of optimum development changed into the integrated development, CNCC is now facing the golden period with rapid growth. At this period, the CNCC will continue providing comprehensive services for customers based on the principle of people oriented and building harmonious enterprise.








2024-05-27 水泥 北元化工





