
发布时间: 2020-07-29
招标单位 地区
发布时间 2020-07-29 14:13:52 项目编号
投标截止时间 2020-08-02 14:11 开标时间 2020-08-17 14:11
项目分类 招标 行业分类 其他


1.Conditions of Tender

柬埔寨滨江雅诗顿桩基工程项目已由半岛资本以TPC-E3-003批准建设,项目业主为The Peninsula Capital Co., Ltd ,建设资金已落实,招标人为中交第三航务工程局有限公司。项目已具备招标条件,现邀请社会各(贵)单位柬埔寨滨江雅诗顿桩基工程项目商砼投标。

The project Riverside of Cambodia Vue Aston Pile foundation has been approved for construction by TPC-E3-003 with SHXAJ-JPZ- VA-2020-04,The project owner isThe Peninsula Capital Co., Ltd , the construction funds have been implemented, The tenderee isCCCC THIRD HARBOR ENGINEERING Co., Ltd .The project has already met the conditions for tender, CCCC THEC has the pleasure to invite your company to participate in the tender of Riverside of Cambodia Vue Aston Pile foundation project commercial concrete.


2.1 Project Brief and Tender Contents


项目位于柬埔寨金边市Vue Aston项目位于柬埔寨王国金边市Chbar Ampov区Bassac River 左岸。规划用地面积用地面积4288.15平方米,建筑总面积82000.90平方米,其中地上总建筑面积73956.14平方米,地下总建筑面积8044.76平方米。本工程为超高层建筑,地上三十九层,地下二层。建筑高度(至女儿墙顶)为149.90米。

The project is located in Vue Aston, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The project is located on the left bank of bassac River, chbar ampov District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The planned land area covers an area of 4288.15 square meters, with a total construction area of 82000.90 square meters, a total floor area of 73956.14 square meters and a total underground construction area of 8044.76 square meters. The project is a super high-rise building with 39 floors above ground and 2 floors underground. The building height (to the top of parapet) is 149.90 meters.



2.2 Tender Contents:

It mainly includes 188 engineering pile concrete, about 7000m3 C35 (underwater), and other specifications of concrete.


2.Qualification for Tenderer

3.1 本次招标要求投标人须在柬埔寨具备销售生产混凝土资质,近3年为大型房屋建筑工程供应混凝土的业绩,并在人员、设备、资金等方面具备相应的能力,注册资金不低于500万元人民币。

3.1 This tender requires the tenderer to have thetrack records of Sales of concrete production qualification, supply of concrete for large housing construction projects in recent 3 years, and have the corresponding capability in personnel, equipment, capital and other aspects, and the registered capital shall not be less thanRMB5 million.


3.2 Your company may not form a consortium to tender.

3.3 每个投标人最多可对1(具体数量)个包件投标,且最多允许中1 个包件。

3.3 Each tenderer may tender for a maximum of1(specific number) packages, and a maximum of1packages will be successful.

3.4 单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加同一包件投标,否则,相关投标均被否决。

3.4 Tenderers with the same person in charge or being different units with the same ownership/management shall not participate in the tender for the same package; otherwise, the relevant tendering will be rejected.


3.5 Only one of the manufacturers and its agent is allowed to participate in the tendering of a package.Otherwise, any relevant offer will be rejected.


1.Acquisition of The Tender Document

4.1 请于2020年8月2日前在《中国交建物资采购管理信息系统》(下简称:中交采购信息系统)http://ec.ccccltd.cn/PMS/上确认参与报名(新注册及添加合作单位事项请联系招标人联系人)。

4.1 Please confirm your participation in the "Materials Purchasing Management Information System of CCCC" (hereinafter referred to as “The System”) http://ec.ccccltd.cn/PMS/ before2/ 8/2020(Date: DD/MM/YY). Please contact the tenderee's contact person for matters concerning the new registration and addition of partners).

4.2投标人可在2020 年 7 月 28 日 14 时至 2020 年8月 2 日 16时在中国交建物资采购管理信


4.2 The tenderer may download the tender document from “The System” between :14am (am/pm) 28 /7/2020 (Date: DD/MM/YY) and 16 am(am/pm)2 /8/2020 (Date: DD/MM/YY), after the tenderee’s confirmation of download authority.

4.3 下载标书后,尽快联系招标人联系人确认。

4.3 after the tenderee’s confirmation of download authority.and confirm with tenderee's contact person as soon as possible.


5. Submission

5.1投标人应通过《中国交建物资采购管理信息系统》http://ec.ccccltd.cn/PMS/于2020年 8 月17日 16时之前完成报价的录入,并按投标文件格式的要求完成电子投标文件(商务部分和技术部分,统一为PDF格式)的上传。

5.1 The tenderer shall submit the tender price to “The System" http://ec.ccccltd.cn/PMS/ before16 am(am/pm) 17/ 8 / 2020(Date: DD/MM/YY), and complete the upload of electronic tender submission according to the requirement of format of tender submission (commercial part and technical part in PDF format) .


5.2 If the submission exceeds the time limit or the electronic tender submission is not uploaded to the System(http://ec.ccccltd.cn/PMS/), the tender submission will not be accepted. The tender price uploaded in the attachment shall be consistent with the online tender price, otherwise the tender will be rejected.


6.Procurement Information Release Platform


Materials Purchasing Management Information System of CCCC(http://ec.ccccltd.cn/PMS/)


7.Contact Information



地址:No.6 St.289 ⊥ St.516, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh

Address:No.6 St.289 ⊥ St.516, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh


Contact: 况慰

电 话:15827700297(中) 097-481-1489(柬)

Telephone:15827700297(中) 097-481-1489(柬)




Tendering Organization: Tendering center of CCCC THIRD HARBOR ENGINEERING CO.,LTD


Address: No. 139, pingjiang road, Shanghai

邮编: 200032

Zip code: 200032

电话(中交采购系统咨询):021-64030607-3311; 联系人:毕忠杰

Telephone(System consulting): 021-64030607-3311; The contact: Zhongjie Bi

电话(供应商注册&合作咨询): 021-64030607-3312;联系人:王丹

Telephone(Supplier registration & cooperation consulting): 021-64030607-3312; The contact: Dan Wang


E-mail: shjwzb@163.com


Tendering Supervision Agency: Procurement Management Department of CCCC THIRD HARBOR ENGINEERING CO., LTD


Address: No. 139, pingjiang road, Shanghai

邮编: 200032

Zip code: 200032


Telephone: 021-64185376


Date of the tender: 
